[Acne] caused by vaping THC?

I’ve vaped weed before and can’t remember having a problem, but I recently started again after a long time and my skin went to shit literally over night. I couldn’t figure out what it was at first because nothing in my routine had changed at all and it was actually really working for me for once. I just came to this conclusion today though because I recall my last good skin day being the day I bought a new vape pen. I don’t thiiink there would be anything in it that I’m allergic to, but who knows. The breakout is primarily around my mouth and chin but also in between my eyebrows, so I thought hormones. Nothing I do product-wise has helped even a little bit and the pimples are small, red, and somewhat painful more like a rash that eventually comes to a head. I’m going to stop using the vape as a last ditch effort, but I was just wondering if anyone else had a story to back up this theory of mine.

Also- how do y’all feel about The Ordinary? Thinking of starting over Christmas break in an attempt to get back on a simple routine. I’m combination-sensitive.