[product question] Anyone have experience with a lanolin allergy?

Long story short, I used pure lanolin as a nighttime lip balm for YEARS, but last summer I had a pretty bad reaction to it out of the blue. It took a couple days to figure out it was the lanolin, but my lips got super swollen and puffy, they peeled and blistered, and eventually almost scabbed over. It was pretty painful and itchy. I've been using another decent lip balm since, but it's not the same. Also had to stop using my beloved skin food. So I have 2 questions:

  1. Can I ever expect this sensitivity to go away? Not sure how I'd find out short of risking another reaction, but it really was a great product for me so it was a real bummer.
  2. Does anyone know why this might have happened out of the blue after using lanolin for so long? Typically I react to things right away as I start using them so this was strange. I'm curious in the science behind it.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!