Another humidifier tank issue with AirSense 11…

Recently, in the morning, I can’t remove the empty (very empty!) tank from the unit. This has happened repeatedly, but another Reddit post gave me the answer. Thank goodness! Because Resmed hadn’t heard of such a thing. I waited on hold for 30 minutes requesting a real time answer. Here’s my add-on answer.
1. Verify the climate control hose is connected completely to the machine. If it’s not inserted properly, the tank will not release. Resmed: hope you are taking notes!!! 2. Resmed suggested previously, if humidifier tank empties before my 8 hours of required sleep, wake up, get out of bed. Re-fill your inferior humidifier tank with more distilled water, then go back to bed. (Yep, this is what they said to me live). 3. I bought a second tank, self pay, because I hadn’t had the machine long enough to be eligible for a replacement. 4. Since the machine has a 6’ Climate controlled hose, it’s not long enough for my use. It’d be great if it was 7’, but they don’t make them! They don’t even make an insulated hose cover for the 6’! 5. I can’t reach the power on button when I’m in bed, with my mask on, straining to breathe, while frantically feeling around for the button. The button really needs a night light dot built into it so you can find it! Seriously!
6. The power on button is shallow and built into the contour of the machine, making it very hard to find, in the dark, while feeling around for it. Seriously. 7. Resmed AirSense 11 isn’t for me. How much effort do I have to provide for this machine to even work???
8. Trying doing this on 4 or 6 hours of sleep before the burning smell or lack of humidity kicks in. 9. I highly suggest buying a Starfish shaped CPAP pillow on Amazon. The company name that I’ve had success with is Ludberg CPAP pillow. The best one is about $80 dollars, but go for the best or you’ll live to regret it. 10. My pulmonologist referred me to the DME company for a mask refit, but he never suggests getting a starfish shaped CPAP pillow. The DME company never suggested it either. There are many reasons for mask leaks. I wear a full face mask, but a regular pillow causes mask leaks, as I was told specifically by dr, sleep on your side.
11. The healthcare providers seemingly aren’t giving patients more problem solving solutions, which is annoying. I kept going for mask refits, for several years, without adding my help here from other Reddit posters.
12. DME Respiratory therapist is coming to my home tomorrow to check out my issues. He suggested going back to Resmed AirSense 10, IF HE CAN FIND ONE. Maybe everyone’s ditching their AirSense 11!???? I hope my suggestions help you.