Reminder: you can call 311 on gas leafblowers

Now that it finally feels like fall, all your least favorite neighbors are realizing their time is too precious to use the lawn comb for 15 minutes. So instead you get a guy revving his backpack engine for 30. Sucks, right?

It's also against city ordinance, and you can call it in. If it's:

  • a gas leafblower
  • operated by a paid worker
  • on private property

you can call it in to the department of buildings, or 311 (which will connect you to the department of buildings). Confirming it is a landscaping contractor helps (provide the name if it's on their truck). Confirming it's not on city-owned property helps. Having the exact address helps.

If people wanna have perfect tiny lawns with no sweat off their back, they can pay the premium that lets landscapers buy electric leafblowers. Not gonna debate this, thanks.