Full time job vs. sourdough
I’m just a few weeks into this hobby and really enjoying it.
However, I work an in-person full time job and so far, can only bake sourdough loaves on the weekend. Because I need to use my weekends for other household tasks as well, I can only devote one day to baking and typically need to use the time in between stretch and folds and rises for other tasks. Today I’m trying a two-loaf recipe and in between sourdough tasks I’ve hard-boiled eggs and made a bean salad for mine and my daughter’s lunches for the week, taken out the trash, washed towels, washed other laundry and now it’s 2pm and im exhausted with loaves still to bake and dinner to prep and sometime in there I need to shower.
I’d love to hear from other sourdough enthusiasts who work full time outside of the house. Do you only bake on the weekends? Have you found a recipe or process that allows for weeknight baking?