How could the OTC situation been handled better by the USSF?

Greetings Guardians.

Last February, all Cadets across AFROTC and USAFA got their AFSC/SFSC surveys. The first thing that all the USSF selects noticed was how there was no option to click as specific SFSC. The only option they had was “United States Space Force”. This led to a nation wide case of all a bunch of confused Space Cadets asking their Cadre what was going on with the survey. The Cadre didn’t know either so they all asked their leadership.

About a week later, they all get told how SFSC assignments aren’t going to be assigned at their commissioning source. Instead, the United States Space Force is making a course called Officer Training Course, which will be a year long tech school. I remember reading all the rumors about how it was going to be 18 months, located at Vandenberg, and train Officers in all 5 SFSCs starting. Obviously, some of these rumors weren’t all true, like the months of training and location(as it’s in Pete).

The question in everyone’s mind then became “will the USSF be ready to execute OTC effectively in September?”. Well, here we are 4 months into the first class and the discourse online regarding its efficiency in training the next generation of Officers is mixed. I understand that most of the discussion online is usually negative regarding everything, but I haven’t heard anything positive yet about the execution of the course.

The course is still new and the first class isn’t even at their halfway point. Yet, we can all agree that the USSF was a little too ambitious about rolling out this pipeline too fast. Keeping the Great Power Competition in mind, it makes sense why the USSF took this approach. Still, I think it’s a huge waste of time and money sending new Officers through what appears to be a poorly designed course when we could’ve taken another year or 2 to develop it. Think about it, we would have more qualified 13S, 17S, 14N, and 63A, and 62E Officers by now if we kept sending them to those individual tech schools instead of waiting for them to go through a year or training in all of them. With that being said…

How could the OTC situation been handled better by the USSF?