I wonder if anyone feels the same way

I have just seen an article published by IGN which is a perfect example of what can ruin games.

I love Space Marine 2 I have binged it largely all characters 25 etc etc but I have got my moneys worth and whilst we wait for new updates I go play other games in between.

Do I have issue with the time it is taking to make content? no the fact that they told us what to expect in a roadmap and we still have people complaining.

The article in question claims the community complaints about lack of content I know there are plenty of people that are content with the amount of content we are getting and those that arent. But why do articles paint it like a majority of the community is upset. This is a common trend a vocal minority are upset but because they shout louder people take them as representing all of us.

I cant be the only one that hates this?.