Here's How To Make Ranked Singles a Bit More Enjoyable🤔

The very simplest of answers is for them to allow us to see who the opponent is choosing as their character. That way we can prepare accordingly. So, if my opponent wants to choose UI Goku, I could at least choose a character that has access to power on his level. The issue with ranked is that people can choose these characters with outstanding advantages that other characters simply have no access to or means to counter. Which is fine! However, if that's going to be the case, let's have a true test of skill and match those type of characters against each other. Of course, you can still overcome any of these characters if you have the skill. But there are still some exploits that you cannot overcome with skill alone. I think allowing us to see each other's character pick is a step in the right direction without necessarily needing to nerf these characters.

The very simplest of answers is for them to allow us to see who the opponent is choosing as their character. That way we can prepare accordingly. So, if my opponent wants to choose UI Goku, I could at least choose a character that has access to power on his level. The issue with ranked is that people can choose these characters with outstanding advantages that other characters simply have no access to or means to counter. Which is fine! However, if that's going to be the case, let's have a true test of skill and match those type of characters against each other. Of course, you can still overcome any of these characters if you have the skill. But there are still some exploits that you cannot overcome with skill alone. I think allowing us to see each other's character pick is a step in the right direction without necessarily needing to nerf these characters.