the story about Mexico vetoing Gwen Stacy's death is a myth

I've seen a rumor going around for years that the Mexican translation of The Amazing Spider-Man kept Gwen Stacy alive rather than killing her because they didn't think their readership would like it. this is a myth. it's misinformation from a CBR article accepted as fact without people doing their own research on the matter

in reality, they were publishing books at a faster rate than the American version, so after a while of incorporating reprints to keep a steady publication, they just started doing their own stories. however, this was long before Gwen died. their license ended in 1973, the same year Gwen died, and a new publisher printed Gwen's death the exact same as how it played out in America, opting for a more accurate translation without original stories. the famous wedding of Peter and Gwen was just a dream sequence

here's an article about it

I've seen a rumor going around for years that the Mexican translation of The Amazing Spider-Man kept Gwen Stacy alive rather than killing her because they didn't think their readership would like it. this is a myth. it's misinformation from a CBR article accepted as fact without people doing their own research on the matter

in reality, they were publishing books at a faster rate than the American version, so after a while of incorporating reprints to keep a steady publication, they just started doing their own stories. however, this was long before Gwen died. their license ended in 1973, the same year Gwen died, and a new publisher printed Gwen's death the exact same as how it played out in America, opting for a more accurate translation without original stories. the famous wedding of Peter and Gwen was just a dream sequence

here's an article about it