What do you guys think about the new Spider-Man show?
Personally, what's ruining it for me is the animation; it just seems lazy. I'm not saying I could do better, but it doesn't seem good for a multi-billion dollar studio company. There's not a lot of stuff in the background (i.e., people and cars, ect.). The frame rate is also just not working. I know spider-verse lowered the frame rate in some scenes, but they made it work, YFNSM just doesn't. It also just looks like they went with the "What if...?" animation style, just worse. The mouth animations also just don't match the words at all, like they want to do that mouth thing anime does where it just stays in one position, but they don't commit to it.
I hate saying stuff like this cause Spider-Man is one of my favorite characters, but it just seems lazy to me. I'm not a huge fan of the random race-swap, but I can look past that. It's just that the animation isn't doing it for me, plus things like him swinging off buildings that aren't there. Like he's swinging like he's in uptown NYC, but the buildings are like three stories tall.
Also this is just nit picking, but they comcompletely changed the meaning behind the future foundation suit. It's supposed to be Spider-Man joined the F4 to honor Human Torch's death, but it just completely changed, which I'm not that big a fan of.
I will say though, I like how they handled the characters and their backgrounds.