Been years since I watched part 3, it is comical how much these villains hated his ass😭.

I’m still dying from this bro omg.

Most of the time when these fights were happening the The TWO living Joestars would usually be right around the corner or a 10 min walking distance away. They’re definitely higher priority but for some reason half of the time they just keep aiming for Polnareff first.

Hanged man and Hol Horse really tried to jump him, the Oingo bongo brothers tried bombing him, Enyaba had the perfect element of surprise advantage to go for Jotaro first but chooses Polnareff, same goes for the Devo, Alessi(friggin creep) AND Anubis. Jotaro was in the barber shop just a few feet away but he through his element of surprise out the window to try troll and behead Polnareff first.

Vanilla ice saw Avdol and Iggy present and still tried to aim for Polnareff first in both ambushes. Even the hail 2 u guy.

Like I get he rushes into battle without thinking but half of the time he didn’t do anything😭