Daily supplements

I’ve been taking a bunch of powders and supplements and I don’t really know if they’re helping in any way. Maybe just costing money. Maybe helping me live forever. But I also began lifting weights again to help my son with building muscle as well as getting my self back into shape. I am 49, and have begun losing hair as well as my butt disappeared along with my shoulders. I attribute it to low testosterone. My wife is a vegetarian so I ate less and less meat over the last 18 years. I don’t want to take TRT because of the potential cons. There is cancer in my family, including my father who had prostate cancer in his late 60s. I’ve been taking a mixed greens powder as well as a mushroom complex powder, mainly because I thought it would add health benefits. Also Nutrafol for the hair loss. But since working out I’ve begun eating steak a couple times a week and protein powder to get that to where it needs to be. I weight 235lbs and am 6’ tall. So I’ve tried to keep my protein around 150g per day. I’ve also begun taking supplements to help boost testosterone such as Primal Total Male+ and Transparent Labs Vitality as well as Transparent Labs Creatine HMB. With all of that said, please, am I on the right track or wrong track? I want to be healthy and build muscle. But I don’t want to take things that could become toxic in combination with other things or in too great a quantity over time. And I don’t want to waste money. I eat a fairly healthy diet of vegetables and fermented foods along with an animal protein daily. Please help