Is there any song that you honestly think was downgraded from "Original" to re-record?

There's something about 1989 Taylor's version that at least in my opinión doesn't sound as good as the original, at first i thought that maybe was because I hadn't gotten used to hearing it but even now I have that feeling. I think the one where it feel it most is AYHTDWS,It's the definition of a nitpick but just the way she says "all you had to do was..." On the re-record compared to the original it feels so, weird,like,Too "safe",Or the guitar at the beginning of style is very barely noticeable in the re-record,basically all Bad blood TS feels so off... Another one I can mention is girl at Home,LKYMMD's snippet is taking away a bit of the RepTV hype for me, it's just too messy