[S1E1/E2] The Outlandish Custodial Entitlement of the Kennish Parents

Is it just me but.......... why the heck are the Kennish parents so freaking entitled when it comes to Daphne? They talk about getting an attorney for custody of Daphne and taking her away from Regina while simultaneously keeping Bay! This was so infuriating to watch. Why do they think they can just have both daughters to themselves. Like f*** Regina, (and your other kids) right? Also --- going to the court and getting lawyers for custody like .... your children are 16! What court would even touch that at that age? By the time you would even get through the whole endeavor, the kids would be practically adults.

Oh! And the Kennishes being so indignant about the motorcycle thing and wanting to control whether Daphne rides with Emmett --- again she is 16 years old and you didnt raise her. You are not her parents. And one of them says at that dinner something like "the three of us are coparenting now" uhhhh NO?? We are allowing the opportunity for our daughters to get to know their biological parents but youre not gonna be setting her curfew or rules now.....

And I disliked how the Kennents, especially the mom treated Regina like a criminal for having raised Daphne. Just being so nasty towards her. Like bruh -- Regina didnt steal Daphne from the hospital.

Also I thought it was super weird how Daphne stayed at the Kennishes to play basketball with toby when her mom had to leave to go to work or whatever like you dont even know these people idk

e: thanks for the flair!