Next step after Termination
What is your next steps after DHS terminates TPS Venezuela? Most know by now they will terminate it as there was a "leak" and the NYT claims they obtained the termination notice from government documents and according to the NYT the termination will take effect 60 days after the termination notice is published in the Federal register. It's unclear when they will publish the termination notice but I suspect it will be 2 months before the end of the 6 months auto-extension for 2021 designation, meaning around October 1st 2025 for the 2023 designation and around July 12th 2025 for the 2021 designation. Unless they publish a combined termination notice for both Venezuela TPS designations. It is better to make plans NOW rather than wait and be taken off guard. Lawsuits may also slow down terminations, but one simply can't afford to put their entire trust on Lawsuits alone.