Can an anovulatory cycle throw off next cycles ovulation?
There are a lot of hypotheticals here so bare with me 🤣
I'm 99% sure last cycle was anovulatory, no CM, no BBT spike, near positive OPK, but if I'm brutally honest with myself, probably not totally positive and my cycle was 18 days (25/26 days is average for me)
My period was strange, usually I get hit heavy and it lightens up - this time started and finished light with maybe a few hours of slightly heavier bleeding.
This cycle, (CD6 currently) lots of EWCM, high sex drive, dip in BBT yesterday and up today. Negative OPKs, but darker than typical for me at this stage. I only start testing once my periods done (yesterday) so it is possible I just missed a peak if there was one.
Anyway, I'm waffling, is it possible the anovulatory cycle last month has thrown out my ovulation a bit and I'm ovulating this early? Or is it more like just coincidence of symptoms?