Tailscale made me waste an entire day networking on WSL2

As the title describes so, I ended up resetting my entire windows pc, I simply thought there were setting in my files that was not allowing any other linux machine to ssh into my WSL2 (window machine).

Currently my windows machine is running in mirrored mode meaning the ips for the wsl2 and window are the same.

The thing is that earlier I downloaded tailscale and boom that when everything stopped working, I was about to go crazy again and was saying hopefully I dont have to restart the entire pc again. Low and behold I disconnected tailscale and boom working like normal. When I say I was working on this for like 10+ hrs and did not realize I even had tailscale running or this could be an issue.

Does anyone know why in mirrored mode wouldn't tailscale treat the entire thing as one?Im not networking pro, or any of this so if you can explain it just enough where I can understand that would be great, thank you.