Went to the ER and got out of closing
Lo and behold my manager understaffed us yet again on saturday. the days we have a full team no one is there even the weekends are weirdly slow. but the minute we have three servers and two cooks everyone in town wants to come. I wasn’t supposed to close but alas, the girl who was supposed to be the closer does such a bad job i’m now a closer again. yippee (not blaming her, all these new people have gotten SHIT training and she hasn’t had much practice. but still, she WANTS to close so teach her and let her). anyway it was nonstop since I got in, i’ve had busier shifts but for how little staff we had it was bad. it was around 10pm and it was me the girl who was supposed to be closing and the bartender. I had one older couple but that was it. i was rounding a corner and the next thing i knew i landed on my arm and bumped my head against the wall (not too bad luckily). i started crying cause it hurt and i have an anatomy test and two job interviews this week and i can’t be sick or injured. my coworkers helped me up and had me sit down while my manager told me to go to the ER.
i’m 21, i’m still on my parents insurance and already have too many health issues that cost too much. I said “no i don’t want my parents to pay for it I don’t think anything is broken, maybe just a sprain” and my manager said if i go immediately it’ll be on company insurance and it’ll be good to get it checked out to make sure it’s nothing bad and won’t be worse by tomorrow. my coworker drove me in my car to the hospital and in two hours I was discharged with a bruised and bumped arm but luckily no concussion or fractures. my coworker gave me the big pity tip the older couple left me (thank you guys). this is gonna sound horrible but a part of me was glad to not have to close on an understaffed saturday