Disappointed that my therapist didn't check in on me

I am using a throwaway because I don't want to be identified.

I saw a recent post titled "Do therapists love us back?" It was an interesting read, but my question doesn't even go as far as love but just concern.

Recently, my therapist helped me through a very difficult day. It was one of the hardest days of my life. I was going to find out some potentially life-altering news that evening and I was glad to have them to talk to that day. Luckily, I got good news but in the back of my mind I was wondering if my therapist would check in on me to see how things went. I mean, the news could have been really horrific emotionally. My therapist has my phone number (we have texted once), e-mail, and other ways to contact me to see how things went or if I needed an emergency session but never did.

I have to say that I was really disappointed that they didn't. I have seen them for two years now so I thought we had some sort of relationship, but now I am questioning if that only extends as far as my wallet goes. I am not expecting to have contact with my therapist outside of session often. In fact, I would see that as a red flag. However, if ever I needed it to happen it would have been then. It really highlighted to me that my therapist isn't a friend and won't necessarily be there for me in the moment when I need them.

To make matters worse, I had to cancel my next session because of a conflict so I called to do so. We talked about administrative stuff and scheduling but at no point did my therapist ask how I was holding up or what had happened. Maybe they were waiting to bring it up in session, but it made me sad because I wanted to share my good news. I thought it might ease their mind to know. It made me think they weren't worried about me at all outside of session. I didn't bring it up on my own although I debated it. I wanted to see if they would say something first.

It makes me wonder if I should have ended my session by asking my therapist to reach out to me after hours that day given the circumstances. We have never really discussed having contact outside of session except that one time they mentioned when I asked about emailing them that they sometimes have clients that send long messages via e-mail and they may not respond to something like that for more than a day or even longer at times.

I am debating whether to bring this up in my next session or not, but I really feel let down. The one time I really wanted my therapist to check in on me they didn't.

Update: I had a session with my therapist and I didn't bring my disappointment up. However, the very first thing they wanted to know when we met was what happened. They said they were wondering about it all week. That made me feel a lot better. We spent most of the session discussing the events and outcome, but I will definitely bring my feelings of disappointment (and then later relief) up as a future topic to help clarify and define the expectations we have for each other.