Lines from other artists that remind you of Taylor Swift

What are lines from other artists that remind you of Taylor Swift? It could be lyrical comparisons, lyrical complexity, or perhaps just situations that remind you of the ones she was in.

I'll start.

"Woke up the girl who looked just like you/I almost said your name"

Harry Styles, From the Dining Table.

This seems to be his side of "Your new girl is my clone" from Is It Over Now.

"You're on every highway just beyond the high-beams
Right beside me in all of my sweet dreams
No matter where you choose to be
In my heart I'll always see you"

Tim McGraw, Everywhere

These lines remind me of "The 1" by Taylor Swift, especially with "I thought I saw you at the bus stop, I didn't though" and "And it would've been sweet
If it could've been me/In my defense, I have none/For digging up the grave another time". Lamenting over missed opportunities...

"You climbed to heaven, now you're tripping on the precipice"

Juno Songs, Scissors

This encapsulates the media frenzy against Taylor Swift in "Snakegate". There are many people who want to see a hugely successful woman fail.

Any really good lines from other artists that remind you of Taylor Swift?