Just had a terrible mid year meeting.

I just had a demoralizing meeting with my building principal. I'm a first year teacher in 5th grade.

Before this meeting, I was told I was doing pretty well, but now it's feeling like I'm failing in every part of teaching. I implemented so so so much feedback and observations that I feel like it's all been for naught.

Some backstory. I have one of the toughest group of kids in the school. That's what all my coworkers tell me. I'll do the entire lesson, but they won't listen. Ill give instructions and they'll tell me "Nah. I'm just gonna guess." I have one student who just blurts and yells, doesn't care. So, I was told that my management and behaviors weren't on par with an educator. I feel like I have done so much and tried so many different strategies, but some of these kids do not care to participate or listen to me. Parents don't give a hoot either.

I also was observed by the superintendent of curriculum a few months ago. She gave me a scathing review and has basically been keeping an eye on me since. My principal says this will make it hard to renew my contract. This superintendent also lied to my face about my principals reaction to sending kids to a group mid lesson. I feel like a first year teacher should give me some slack, but what do I know.

I feel blindsided. My principal told me I have 2 options. I could resign and job hunt for a new position. Or work through my feedback and hope that my contract might be renewed. Again, I feel like I got hit by a bus.

TLDR: had a terrible meeting where I was told out of nowhere that my contract might not be renewed.