New; looking for advice/main

Recently started playing tekken (a couple months ago) and have tried multiple characters but can’t seem to find someone that sticks with me. For reference the characters i’ve played are victor, azucena, law and currently hwoarang. I like victors button and low to high options, i also enjoy law but don’t feel strong enough about him to main. Hwoarang was good until i hit mid red ranks and now despite me knowing mix ups i can’t seem to properly use them. I think to much about all the moves he has and when to use them and it messes me up. Hoping to get some insight into characters with good low and high/mid options preferably with mix ups. So far it seems like i struggle with characters that have a lot of moves to keep track of, and characters with bad low options. I enjoy characters with good buttons too, hoping for some insight into how characters play and what better players think i might enjoy, i get it if this isn’t enough info to determine a character i might like, lmk if any clarification would help. ps ik when it comes down to it that it’s personal preference but im looking for a push start bc i dont even know who to try.