A post complaining about how trash TP IIT actually is

so we had nect class today, and the teacher went through important details about next week's graded quiz (30% btw), so ur telling me they couldnt have provided all these during flex week so we would have more time to prepare? btw during flexweek the only nect work was a 10 question braindead quiz that anyone could do. what's the subject head doing? shaking his leg at home during flex week? do they think we don't have other projects to worry about such that releasing the quiz details 1 week before is actually sufficient time?

and adev/dbav is really stupid too, they rush through the basics of everything and expect us to do the rest ourselves. ok sure no problem i can learn myself, but you literally teach us the things like 2 weeks before the assignment is due. and when you teach you also do it online wtf? everyone was so confused because there was no teacher to guide us in person until flex week is over

so yea, tp iit, it's genuinely trash, might just send this post to the subject heads cause idrc atp

edit: there was a mock quiz for nect, when we completed it we couldnt even see the questions we got wrong. such a useful mock quiz!