How much of a difference would going from 100mg to 200mg of test weekly make?

I currently do 2 0.25(100mg weekly) IM shots weekly but want to start running somewhere around 200mg weekly instead. I’ve been on that dose for about a year. Before I start Should I have an AI on hand beforehand? Should I start just running the test base and add other compounds as I get adjusted or should I start with something together? What would u guys recommend I take along side it? Primo? Masteron? I ve been cutting and gotten lean enough so I want to actually start bulking.

I forgot to mention my trough is at almost 1.2k at 100mg weekly. So I know that running 200mg weekly would put me above supraphysiological levels. I just want to mitigate any negative side effects. I’m not predisposed to lose my hair and I’ve never had acne even as a teenager