The Vision and Plans they are attempting to bring to fruition

Acceleration Zones.

Acceleration Zones (AZs) are a new type of Special Economic Zone that accelerate technological progress in service of national priorities. Acceleration Zones do this by attracting technologists and developing an institutional structure that guides technological development and the reinvestment of proceeds. The key features of Acceleration Zones are:

  1. Permissionless innovation as an operating principle; new technologies will not be preemptively regulated.
  2. Labor law must be Elon-compatible.
  3. Simple, familiar laws.
  4. Swift, merit-based visa issuance.
  5. Specific regulatory changes and incentives tailored to attract companies in regulated industries, and guide technological progress.
  6. Governance by Acceleration Zone Board: AZB is authorized to make regulatory changes on an ongoing basis to meet the changing needs of companies and upon identifying new opportunities for the nation. The board sets measurable, quantifiable goals.
  7. Operated by a private Acceleration Zone Operator: a company or foundation dedicated to the aggregation of residential and commercial demand, and the ongoing development and operation of the AZ. This is supplementary State Capacity.
  8. Optional: Acceleration Zone Fund, to invest in businesses that establish operations within the Zone, with strategic local, corporate, and bilateral LPs.

Acceleration Zones are designed to be attractive to Government, Companies, Capital, and Residents.

Governments (especially elected officials): AZs are simple to implement (generally passing one law is sufficient), and offer an immediate winning popular narrative:

  • $10-100B Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) package from the companies that set up operations.
  • Concrete solutions to pressing issues in the country (e.g. public transportation, energy, unemployment), direct or indirect.
    1. Direct: Create jobs, reverse brain drain.
    2. Indirect: Proceeds invested in infrastructure and social goods.
  • Big name companies, founders, and cultural figures moving elicits a sense of national pride.
  • Visually attractive: Successful AZs will become beautiful, green, culturally dynamic cities, monuments to their nation’s culture and future.
  • Influence over technology development.
  • Competitive strategic positioning, e.g. internal production of energy, semiconductors, etc.

Companies: AZs unlock technological progress and economic opportunity via regulatory change, economic incentives, and new infrastructure. Further, successful AZs will have top talent and offer Silicon Valley business norms in new markets.

Investors: AZs will make money on golden visas for residents, land value appreciation / monetization (the companies are clustered on a single site), and corporate and income tax revenue. Investors will include the governments, corporate strategics, bilateral strategics, partner developers, and residents.

Residents will move to Acceleration Zones because they offer an opportunity to build the future. Some residents will be returning to their homeland with a feeling of patriotic duty; others exploring a new frontier. AZs are an opportunity to found a new company, found a new culture, and found a new city with the most talented, ambitious, optimistic people in the world.