How has GCP impacted your life?

I’m interested to hear some of the Naish’s stories of how GCP has impacted your life. Recently on one of the live shows, Troy said “what we do is so stupid” and he was joking obviously, but it made me consciously realize that this network and community are actually a really meaningful part of my life. [Trigger Warning for vague description of mental health crisis] I had a mental health crisis in 2018 where things were really touch and go, and for the two months I was off work, GCP provided the only moments of relief from my own brain. Their sincerity, passion, humor, and overall excitement for any kind of future was deeply healing to me and even now, the theme song makes me feel safe and not so alone. I hope they know that what they do is more than just story telling, more than just entertainment, and certainly more than “playing pretend.” Just curious to hear your stories, too!