Newest chapter of my fanfiction: The Rise of Gilead; It's getting harder to write these chapters because they too closely reflect reality imo
Here is the latest chapter of my fanfiction: The Rise of Gilead!
Please enjoy at your own discretion.
I absolutely based this chapter off of real life happenings, off of our first week with 🟠🤡 in office, and some of the real life responses I and people close to me have had to the election. So take of that what you will. I hope I imparted the true helplessness and lost feeling that comes with being in a state of change and not knowing what to do about it. Seeing the 💩 show going down all around you and having very limited power to make any changes, if any power at all. Then watching that power slowly get taken away from you by an elite force you can't see and don't know about.
This past week has been very tough. There's been a lot of fighting in families and I only just found out that my in-laws did NOT vote for 🟠🤡 so that makes me feel marginally better. I call out all the 💩 when I see it, but it has further alienated me from loved ones, friends and family alike. And in the world of this story, there is the very real danger of a fertility crisis, adding fuel to a very dangerous fire. I can certainly imagine a world where I or others go, "Okay this is really bad and we need to do something, but I don't know what and I don't like what I'm seeing. I don't know what to do." and by the time we realize we're in real trouble, it'd be too late. That's the point of this story. Don't sit idle and let it get to be too late. Do something NOW. Even if all we can do is call out the 💩 when we see it.