Bonnie is my least favorite character (New Viewer who finished season 5 episode 4)

So my GF and I have been watching Vampire Diaries and we recently got to season 5 episode 4. And in that scene i felt sad for Bonnie, but personally, I felt like the show has taught me not to care about death because of how many times they have revived the main cast, but also my dislike of Bonnie's growth in the series. Everytime Bonnie is brought into the story, she just miraculously knows how to do a difficult spell becuase she says she has been training. The only time we ever saw her training was with Shane in Season 4 and a little with with Grams in season 1. But most of the time, shes flirting with a guy (mostly Jeremy) and then knows how to do the spell by the end of the season because thats how every season has ended so far. The main cast fails to get shit done, Bonnie shows up to save the day, she gets traumtized. Its a constant repeat with Bonnie and as of Season 5, i personally want to like her but i dont care much about this death. The other reason why I dont care is because she keeps showing up in this season. When Alaric died, he showed up for 1 episode after he died, then another episode when the vail dropped. Now its just Bonnie and Jeremy constantly flirting until this recent episode, but it also tells me that I should still care about Bonnie because she plays a big role in this season. My gf says I'm a hater (which i am) but i really want to like her and I wanted to see her growth as a character, not just random tidbits here and there just to see her be a badass at the end only to mess up or have some consequence that makes her regret the decision. Idk i just wish i could like her but she just makes me annoyed because of how much potential her character has.