Categorizing all the brawlers in mixed tiers regarding their characterization

Generally, I’d say that supercell does a pretty good job on making the brawlers feel unique and charming in their own way… most of them, at least.

Some others feel weaker than the others imo in certain aspects, but even then I’d still say they have something to bring to the table.

Except Clancy. Worst brawler ever made by FAR (and even his gameplay that isn’t even taken into consideration here is garbo lmao)

Generally, I’d say that supercell does a pretty good job on making the brawlers feel unique and charming in their own way… most of them, at least.

Some others feel weaker than the others imo in certain aspects, but even then I’d still say they have something to bring to the table.

Except Clancy. Worst brawler ever made by FAR (and even his gameplay that isn’t even taken into consideration here is garbo lmao)