Why don’t guys approach me?

I’ve always wondered this, I’m (20F) quite pretty, not always 1000% extroverted but I definitely have pretty good social skills, and I’m always super friendly if someone comes up to me. I smile at people and hold the door regardless of gender. The only thing I can think of is I am pretty confident and I think that’s expressed in how I act and talk, I’ve heard some guys don’t like that.

I just started dating recently and have noticed when I express interest/flirt with a guy the attention is very much reciprocated, but I’ve never once had a guy approach me in a romantic context, or rarely even just to have a normal conversation (aside from contexts where we’re forced to talk). But also I’ve had lots of guy friends/acquaintances where I can kind of tell they have a crush on me?? I don’t know.

It gets tiring feeling like I’m the only one going out of my way to talk to guys or make conversation. Is approaching girls not something guys do anymore?