Detailed Day of Surgery
JUST had top surgery today. This is how it went on surgery day.
Background knowledge, I've never been through surgery or anesthesia before, and I'm college age. Also, I had a double mastectomy with nipple grafts, as well as liposuction around the chest, and it was a drainless procedure.
I arrived in the waiting room, signed consent forms, and paid some $$$. (Paid with insurance, but had some leftover I needed to pay.) My mom was with me through the whole process. (Thanks mom, love ya!)
My surgeon called me back from the waiting room to a seperate room and marked my chest. Before he came in, I was given a gown. The gown's sleeves weren't buttoned and I had no fucking idea how to put it on so I put it over myself like a poncho. Also, the blinds in this room were all the way up, and the room faced the front entrance of the building, so I had to find a way to close them so I didn't flash poor unsuspecting patients and their families walking in and out. I'm sure someone would've shut them for me, but I didn't mind figuring it out myself because it gave me a couple minutes alone.
When I got my shirt back on after getting marked, I was taken back by a friendly nurse, where I was told to change into a gown in these like cubicals marked off by curtains with other patients waiting for surgery. I also could keep my underwear on (thankfully). I put all my belongings in a bag, but kept my phone until later. When the nurse took my temperature, she said I had a fever of 101 degrees F. When she took it using the mouth, the thermometer said 100. I was freaked the fuck out because I felt totally fine and would've never suspected I had a fever. I was recovering from a cold but for the past several days I hadn't felt sick at all besides some congestion (which I always have because of allergies) and I never to my knoweldge had a fever. A man working in anesthesia came in and checked my lungs, and confirmed with my surgeon that the operation was still on, which I was NOT expecting. I thought it'd be cancelled. They were just going to send me home with antibiotics and still perform the surgery. (As I'm writing this, I still don't feel sick thankfully. Weird!) The time period between finding out I had a fever and thinking my surgery was going to be cancelled freaked me the fuck out. I didn't feel sick at all before, just a little nervous, but after that I felt anxious as fuck! I spent probably 1-2 hours waiting in that curtain cubical for surgery and I spent all of it trying to calm myself down. I was also so hot and sweating so bad I felt the water droplets go down my sides. But, by the time I had to go to the surgery room I had managed to calm down quite a bit.
They rolled me there (not very far) and the room was nice and cold which felt great (to me). There was about 5-7 people in there, and they were all friendly and we were joking around with each other. I told them not to do me dirty lol, and they joked all of them were student doctors. The thing they put in my IV before making me passout felt weeeirrrd. All my limbs went freaky like they were heavy as fuck. I did not like the feeling but I laughed it off. Then with the mask over my face I think I remarked it smelled like mint or something. It definitely had a smell. Also, while I was going under, I was fucking scared because there was a brief few moments where I could hear everyone but I couldnt see or move myself. I tried really fucking hard to move my limbs to try and alert them or something, (they hadn't started operating or anything yet) but very quickly after that I was out out and just remember being awake. I guess I go out with a fight, because from what I read online within a few seconds of the anesthesia mask most people are OUT, but I remember lasting a bit longer.
I dont remember waking up, I just remember I was awake at some point after the surgery like "ok". I guess I asked if the surgery went good about 5 times (didn't remember asking more than once) and my mom was laughing at me. I got a slushie from a nurse YUMMY AS FUCK and some water. I just was trying to wake up a bit more to sit up which HURT. You can't really use your arms to get up outta bed which is freaky you gotta use your like core and kinda roll (idk how to explain it) to not hurt yourself. Then they put me in a wheelchair, gave me my belongings, and rolled me to my moms car who parked it up front. I was drugged up good so I didnt really hurt at all I mostly just noticed the pressure of the bandages. My mom stopped by mcdonalds, picked up the meds, and drove me home.
Currently I can feel the swelling a bit, and have taken some meds. Its all tender. I have liposuction holes like... under my nipples a bit down, (I actually dont know where my nipples are. I can't feel them and I can't see them cuz I have a plastic like wrap around me and ace bandages I cant remove yet so I'm just guessing) which I wasnt expecting until I saw them on both sides leaking blood, so I changed the gauzes. (I was told bleeding is expected with liposuction.) I thought that shit was in my armpits for some reason... maybe its in both? I'll text and ask tomorrow lol. Right now it's still sinking in that my chest is gone, because its swelling and has fat pieces of gauze and wrap over it, so it doesnt feel real. I'm still giddy as fuck though, a huge part of my everyday distress is GONE.
Sidenote: I'm surprised I don't feel awful, considering I'm on antibiotics and apparently had (have?) a fever. But I'm preparing for tomorrow where I might be aching more. I haven't taken the strongest meds yet (I was perscribed like 6 different things) I'm not opposed to taking it, I'm just going to see if the more mild drugs I was perscribed can do the trick, since the more powerful drugs were marked as "as needed".