Duck Pool Item Tree

This is part of a series of item trees for complex producers where there are frequently asked questions about how to make a specific item. This graphical explanation of the producer will show it's item progression and how to reach each sub level item.

Important notes on item trees:

There are 3 types of progression between item series: Produce, Combine and Become.

Produce refers to straightforward creation of items from a producer using energy. Multiple arrows for Produce indicates that the item produced is random and can be from any of the item series pointed to. The main producer (bordered in red) can produce items infinitely (with refresh times), but sub level producers can only produce a limited number of items before vanishing. This number is indicated in brackets. Some sub level producers produce fixed items. These items are indicated with the number produced in brackets beside them.

Combine refers to combining 2 items to create a new item. Items to be combined are circled in green. Usually items are used up upon combination with another item, however certain items can be used to combine with other items multiple times before vanishing. These items are double circled in green, and the number of times it can be used is indicated in brackets. Combining can create a new item or it can also create a sub level producer. Sub level producers are circled in blue. Multiple arrows for Combine indicates that the item created from the combination is random and can be from any of the item series pointed to.

Become refers to clicking on an item for it to become another item, where each click typically uses 1 energy. Items which will become another item are circled in orange. The number of clicks required is indicated in brackets. The item can become a new item or it can also become a sub level producer. Sub level producers are circled in blue.

Arrows are pointing at item series in general, not specific items within the series. Combining, Becoming and Sub level Producing typically result in a first level item, but there are of course exceptions.

Other notes and details will be provided in the walkthrough for each producer.

Duck Pool Walkthrough:

1st picture shows the main Duck Pool producer, which produces Rubber Duck and Hook-a-Duck. Max Rubber Duck and Max Hook-a-Duck combine to create Prize Ticket.

2nd picture shows Prize Ticket becomes Ticket Roll, which is a sub level producer. Ticket Roll produces 4 random items, either Rainbow Toy or Water Pistol.

General Thoughts:

The most frequent question for this producer is regarding the Prize Ticket, how to get the Rainbow Toys and Water Pistols. Unlike sub level producers which have the energy icon on them, items that become another item have no unique indication. The only way the game informs of it is from the 'How to get this item' info for Rainbow Toy and Water Pistol, which are not often referred to. There are also no stickers for the Prize Ticket becoming the Ticket Roll. Hence, it may not be clear to players new to this producer to click on the Prize Ticket in order for it to become the sub level producer.

The most frequent complaint about this producer is the uneven drops from the Ticket Roll, specifically always dropping Rainbow Toy and not Water Pistol, especially when there is an order for Water Pistol. If you do a search, you'll find vents and rants on never getting the Water Pistols. Personally, I found the main producer drops to be more uneven, always getting tons of ducks but always no net. So all in all, not a very well-liked producer ):