[Fe] and [Sea of Solitude], should I consider them shovelware??

Recently I have purchased the EA pass for a month to play Star Wars Fallen Order, Unravel and the co-op games - Ita takes two and The Way out. After these platinums I had some time left on the pass so I did platinum on 2 other games - Fe and Sea of Solitude. Sea of Solitude took me a day to platinum and Fe took a little longer than a day due to the collectibles it has. Now I have these platinums but should I consider them as platinums, since normally I don't consider having shovelware game platinums as platinums.

Fe - it had great visual art and great soundtrack.

Sea of Solitude - its has a quite unique story and the way of telling the issues faced in life visually.

( Sorry for not elaborating too much about the games)