Tell me your recurring dreams

Laid up sick this weekend. I had a fever dream that I have been having since I was in Middle School. I am running through a desert landscape for exercise with an old high school friend and come across a house on some property surrounded by abandoned shipping containers some stacked the look like they have been thrown around. It’s a spring morning so it’s cold. The house is owned by my aunt and uncle. The foundation of the house is rotting if you jump on the slab on one end of the house it tilts like a ship. For some reason the house has a steel catwalk across the living room connecting the two halves of the house on the second floor. When I leave I am attacked by a tarantula the size of 2 school buses. I find makeshift spears to throw at it I always strike it in the face sometimes I wake up when it appears sometimes I don’t. Every time I dream about this place over the years I get to explore new areas. Like the giant swimming pool that has a neoclassical patio area.

I have a bunch of other recurring dreams all of which make about as much sense as this one.