I don't know what to put here

Hi! I'm 13 and I've always wondered what my purpose is? Like you know how everyone has something they do fotr christ like their special talent? Like poetry or drawing or whatever. It seems the only thing I'm good at is writing but I still get like this frequent writing blocks with like nothing to write. And I always have trouble with the titles, the titles give me the most trouble. But recently I've had this two books---two I'm sure I'll finish--they came to me at random times, the title first. Blood Legacies and Age of Nothing. So, Blood Legacies is definitely focused on redemption through Christ no matter what. With focus on like the monsters--Vampires, werewolves and such. Age of Nothing is basically a dystopian novel where Religion has been wiped and the only thing being taught are like myths. The reason why I'm doing this here and not in the writing thing is because I don't think they'd see the importance. Maybe I'm overeacting lol. But I don't know this feels like divine intervention mostly because most of my books usually have nothing to christ and such.