Worried about Ashermans
Hi all,
Thanks for the invaluable support you have provided me post miscarriage so far. It is very much appreciated.
If you haven’t seen my posts before, I had a miscarriage which started around 10th July and finished with a d and c on 7th of August. I had some very light bleeding between ceasing all bleeding and starting what felt like a very normal period that was slightly heavier on the 23rd of September. I do wonder sometimes if that first lot of bleeding was meant to be a period.
Last week I had sex for the first time since the miscarriage (my memory is hazy we may have had sex between then but I have an almost one year old so I’m sleep deprived) and it hurt on entry. It was sore afterwards and I went to the gp doe to discharge and they did a swab which came back approximately three days later with results stating it is thrush.
I’ve had for approximately four days, on and off spotting (very light) and then also having that white discharge you get before your period. Prior to my d and c, and being pregnant, and prior to my first pregnancy, my cycle length was very regular - every 28 days, sometimes every 29.
So my gp said not to worry about the spotting as it’s only on wiping and could be like from a myriad of things but given my ocd and anxious brain, I’m worried that this is my period (which is due this week ) and I have ashermans. I can’t get into my gp or specialist until later this week. And I’m spiraling. Any advice/thoughts/reminders of how rare ashermans is/ etc appreciated.
I’m 39 for reference.