Is Tunisia an oligarchy?

I watched this video explaining the different types of oligarchies (y'all should btw) Basically tl;dr most if not all countries are oligarchies but there are different types of oligarchies: - civil oligarchies: like the US or most democratic countries, the oligarchy rule indirectly through lobbying and funding politicians - ruling oligarchies: like China or the Roman Republic, they rule directly through a collective all the ultra wealthy are part of the CCP or they are part of the Senate like in Rome - sultanistic oligarchies: like Russia there is one single most powerful oligarch who rules over the others

Imo under Ben Ali and Bourguiba, it was mainly a sultanistic oligarchy, then after the 2011 revolution we switched to a civil oligarchy and now we are back to a sultanistic one as KS has accumulated enough money to be called an oligarch by Tunisian standards.