Seeing a lot of results on twitch
I’m an ADC main who used to main twitch years ago (like season 10-11). I primarily play Draven, but with the current meta I really don’t think he’s that good, you can win lane but with all the mages/tanks in the meta he’s pretty useless past 25 mins even if you drop 15 kills early. I decided to try twitch again because I saw his winrate went up with the new season, and man, he just feels awesome to play rn. He scales incredibly well, but his early game is still pretty good. Even into tough lane matchups, with a half decent support I feel like as long as you survive long enough to get Bork/ t2 boots you can pretty much win any all in with decent spacing (bar some matchups). He feels the best with an enchanter but I like the fact that he’s flexible enough to work with engage tank supports as well. Also, being able to roam so well on an ADC is so much fun. Roaming mid after you shove a wave is more often than not a kill/flash at least; people never expect an ADC to roam so it’s always hilarious when you watch them panic as you pop out of stealth in their lane. And of course teamfights after you have 3 items are just the icing on the cake. I have a 65% wr on him out of 30 games, I’m really loving the rat right now. Glide on kings