Favorite "They better put this specific thing in the adaptation!"s
What are your favorite really specific things you got, didn't get, or want to get in an adaptation of something you love?
I don't necessarily mean deep cuts, but just certain, laser-targeted details you think would be great to see from an adaptation. Sonic 3 had both, with Shadow riding a motorcycle and using a gun but then cowarding out and not having the dying little girl get shot., and the new Superman movie looks like it's giving us a surprise one with not only Guy Gardner but his stupid haircut. I also love Blind Al being a character in the Deadpool movies, and I wish Weasel stayed one (but I understand why he had to go), and she hasn't been a regular in the comics since Joe Kelly's run in the 90s.
I'm not saying live-action Nightwing should be caked up, but it would be true to the comics if he is.