Favorite KAIJU FIGHTS in non-kaiju focused series?
Try not to mention Transformers, Gundam, Voltron, or Ultraman, since most if not all fights in those series are basically kaiju fights.
Gortys vs the Traveler in the final episode of Tales From The Borderlands.
Rhys and four other companions pilot a giant Gortys mech a la Power Rangers style against a giant stone guardian called the Traveler. You can choose three co-pilots who each have their own fighting style against the Traveler. When I played through this section, I nearly damn well jumped out of my seat.
If you choose Springs as one of your co-pilots, she has the Gortys mech perform a hype-ass Izuna drop on the Traveler. One of the most HYPEST moments in a TBFP playthrough ever.