Dating an older guy?

EDIT: I will stop talking to him I just realized how weird he is after everyone's comments. Also yeah it's pretty pathetic for him to flex his money to me when he is 10 years older... bleh

I met this guy that is 33 years old online (I am 22). We first started talking when he was defending me against a creep and then we were sharing eachother about our traumas and life and how we are both basically doing financially well after everything we went through. So there's lots of similarities. We have been talking for almost a month and he wants to meet me IRL. He did say it would be a friendly thing but I know he likes me cause he compliments me and texts me between his work and between his sets at gym. He also plays Minecraft with me, he also cooks well and is rich, like I do well financially in my own country but he's from a very developed country and is doing really good and he told me and showed me proof he even has money to buy a house here.

I mean I like him too, because hes been very nice and attentive to me, not like the other guys I talked to. But I don't know yet if I like him as much as he likes me but it's nice to talk to someone mature and someone that understands me because I feel like people my age don't and guys my age always treat me badly or are immature.

But I don't know if it's right for me to continue talking to him because of the age gap but what do you guys think? Can I have some advice especially from people that are experienced?