Just don't want to be bombarded by graphic depictions of women and girls

*depictions of brutalization of women and girls

So, yesterday, there was a post on this sub with this title: Massive TW. Unfathomably to me how this could happen to tens of thousands of little girls.🤮😭

I clicked on this, thinking it was perhaps an article or court document or something to the effect. Instead I was taken to a Twitter account run by a white supremacist who had shared a snippet of a graphic description of the gang rape of a twelve-year-old by the "grooming gangs" in the UK (quotes because this is so far and beyond grooming).

There was no mention of what the trigger warning would be for, and the use of cutesy emojis did not lend to the tone of what was actually shared. Nor was there any mention that this case was from 2013 (although I have no doubts such things still go on to this day). It felt like sheer impulse-share rage-bait.

These girls absolutely deserve to have their stories told, but this felt like such a trap to wring some cheap shock value from the reader. I was not adequately prepared for what I would (start to) read. It was very disturbing, to say the least, and to see the execution of this post get so highly upvoted...I think I may have to leave this sub if this is the sort of thing I can expect to see here regularly.

At the very least, I will no longer be trusting links posted here.

. . .

EDIT: I'm getting a lot of comments accusing me of wanting to ignore this situation because it makes me feel uncomfortable, which is exactly what anyone who voiced similar opinions on the original post got as well. My problem is absolutely NOT with the details being shared. I don't believe details like this should be buried because they are uncomfortable or inconvenient. They absolutely SHOULD be shared. But they likewise SHOULD NOT be pushed into unsuspecting people's faces. My entire issue is the flippant way in which this entire thing was framed and treated.

As for "taking responsibility for myself," this is it. I do not wish to be bombarded by people telling me I'm too sensitive or that I'm an apologist because I feel lured in by a misrepresentation of a serious event. And judging by the upvotes thus far, I'm not the only one.

Peace. I'm out.