PSA: you probably need pelvic floor therapy

I just started training as a pelvic floor therapist and holy moly my mind is blown! I thought it was just for postpartum folks with some incontinence- I was VERY wrong! First off, if you have any pain with penetration, really heavy and painful periods, or any general discomfort in that area, THAT IS NOT NORMAL! Any pain, discomfort, or dysfunction from the belly button to the mid-thighs can likely be improved with this therapy.

Patients I've seen this week have had things like: Chron's/IBS, penile pain, erectile dysfunction, "hard/soft" penis, urinary incontinence, urinary frequency, post neovaginoplasty, hemorrhoids, constipation, anal fissures, pain with sex, pain with arousal, pain post orgasm, clitoral pain, endometriosis, possible prolapse, and hip pain.

All of these patients saw nearly instant improvements from manipulating the connective tissue (HUGE COMPONENT), relaxing/stretching the musculature, and addressing possible nerve involvements. It can be a big missing piece of the puzzle for people dealing with issues for years and throwing everything at these symptoms with no change.

I am shocked at how common these things are, and how few people find themselves in the right hands and getting help, instead of suffering in silence. I hope this helps someone find the relief they deserve <3

EDIT TO ADD: 1) If you are having pain with with insertion during sex specifically, relaxing the pelvic floor can help. Stretches like happy baby, childs pose, and pelvic drops with diaphragmatic breathing can help. You can also get a dilator set off amazon and start small with lots of lube (slippery stuff) and insert until tolerable, then move up. Try the stretches before and after insertion. 2) If you are having pain with deep thrusting, relaxation stretches above can help. If you have this and also have bad, heavy periods, it's not a bad idea to talk to your doc about endometriosus. The only way to actually diagnose is surgery to remove the tissue, but it is much more common than reported! Also, try the stretches before/after sex, after sitting a long time, or after exercise. 3) If you are having urinary leakage, it could either be too tight of muscles or too weak. If you've been doing kegels and seeing no improvement, try doing relxation for a few weeks and see if that helps. If you pee with cough, laugh, sneeze, try a few quick kegels immediately before hand. 4) If you need to strain to poop, get a squatty potty! If you strain bc stool is too loose and hard to get out, try bulking with some fiber, and relax the pelvic floor (stretches, diaphragmatic breathing). If it's too hard, try colase and drinking more water. If it feels like it's kind of getting stuck towards the opening of the anus (especially if youve had vaginal births), you could have something called a rectocele where part of the rectum goes up into the vagina. Try 1 thumb on your perineum and apply pressure to help evacuate stool. Also a tool called a femmeze can help.

Overall good pelvic floor tips: use a squatty potty, don't push to pee or poop, instead relax. Don't sit too long or cross your legs if that aggravates it. Diaphragmatic breathing (think breathing so your lungs expand down/outwards). Use lube with the same osmololity as the vagina (good clean love, slippery stuff), Stretch with happy baby and child's pose while doing diaphragmatic breathing x 4-6 breaths. Use a foam roller or tennis ball on connective tissue of front of thighs, back of thighs but especially inner thighs and glutes. Stretch your hip flexors (runner's lunge, low lunge).

Hope this helps!

EDIT #2: The Pelvic Health and Rehab Center (PHRC) youtube channel is a great resource! Also the book Pelvic Pain Explained by Stephanie Prendergast and Elizabeth Akincilar