Give me your opinion on my homebrew hivefleet.

Hive fleet paladin is unusual for a hive fleet as they have shown to defend himan worlds near the great rift from both xeno and daemonic threats. The warriors have shown incredible levels of independence even going as far as dragging injured guardsmen and space Marines to safety. The warriors also have unique markings identifying unique individuals. The hive tyrant has even put itself and it's tyrant guard between a chaos dreadnought and fleeing civilians. The tyranids of the hive fleet only consume the dead and they will wait until the apothecaries have finished gathering the geneseed of their fallen brothers before the rippers begin consuming. The inquisitors of Ordo Xenos are scratching their head at the oddity that is Hive fleet paladin. One Inquisitor theorizes that the hive fleet is using the worlds as bait to drag in more prey like how certain ants will keep other insects to lure the predators so that the ants can have a more substantial meal.