NJ Drone Hypothesis: They are ours (US) and we are looking for something

Disclaimer: There's a lot of information and stories swirling around so its tough to know which ones to believe. My thoughts are just based on the things I've heard but have no way of verifying as true.

I don't think its China. It would be an incredibly bold and unsophisticated move for them to do something like this. I read some theories that suggest the motivation to be a 'show of force'. This sounds reckless and unnecessary. Also there's reports of the drones taking a 'break' on Thanksgiving. This would suggest that they were celebrating an American Holiday.

This is why I think they're ours. But there's a few things that are odd. I read some people suggest that we're running some sort of test to test our readiness against the threat of drones or testing the drones themselves. Why test these in populated areas of New Jersey? Also why the secrecy if we're simply just testing? Unless the test is to observe the impact this secrecy on civilians. But why do this?

My theory is that we are looking for something that requires urgency which is why we're using the drones in such a non discrete manner yet requires secrecy and therefore the lack of communication to even local law enforcement. But here's the kicker. I don't think we're the only ones. I think that this may be a global effort. This is why we see the drones globally. I think there may be parts of the international community that operate in a level of secrecy with regards to the phenomenon. This coalition of international SAPs may be working in concert to locate something.

As to what they are looking for? We may be detecting something but are unable to completely locate the source. It may be something related to the phenomenon that requires urgency on a global scale. The drones are being used to try and find whatever it is we're detecting.

My reasoning breaks down like this:

The reason why the drones are car sized is because its military. The reason why no official word has come out is because it needs to be held from the public so as not to cause panic. The reason why they're running them every night without any level of discretion is because of the urgency. The reason why its global is because multiple countries are unified and involved in this search. I know this last part seems a little far fetched as something has to be pretty big in order to create a common goal amongst all of us. But imagine what that could be. It would probably be pretty terrifying.

That's my theory. Let me know why I'm wrong!