Any genuine skeptics who don’t believe in UFOs?

I’ve been searching for discussions where people argue against the existence of UFOs, but most posts seem to focus on proving the potential for non-human intelligence. I’m curious—what are your main reasons for completely dismissing UFOs as anything extraordinary? Are there specific cases or arguments that convinced you they’re all misidentifications, hoaxes, or psychological phenomena?

It’s clear something exists, given the attention from high-level officials, certified professionals, and the media. Public interest in UAPs seems to be growing, especially on platforms like YouTube, where reports on the topic gain massive attention. Many people already believe in some form of higher power without direct evidence, so is it really that surprising that belief in UFOs is increasing too?

But then again, does it even matter if skeptics remain unconvinced? It seems like only a small percentage of people don’t believe at this point, and all it might take is one world leader openly acknowledging it for the conversation to shift entirely.

Looking for logical, well-thought-out skepticism rather than just dismissive one-liners.