Need help asap! Nvidia drivers broke random things in Ubuntu
After using Ubuntu 20.04 for 5 months, I finally installed nvidia driver to get that sweet sweet cuda support. After enrolling the MOK key, my laptops network driver stopped working.
It works again after I do “sudo service network-manager restart” every time I turn my laptop on. Whatever, I’ll just put it in bashrc I guess. Is there a better solution for a permanent fix?
Also the more annoying part is that it is painfully sluggish using an external monitor with my laptop docked. Like 3 seconds to register a single keypress bad. If I simply open the laptops screen, it’s back to normal, even for the external monitor. This just sucks a little because my monitor has to go way above eye level to fix this. What do I do about this?
Edit: Ubuntu has also lost the ability to tell the system to poweroff, whether done by gui or by “sudo poweroff” This is probably the most pressing issue for me actually