Rank reset was a blessing
This may be unpopular especially with most people complaining about the hard rank reset but tbh i feel like it helped me more. I stopped playing val for a year when i joined the army and i came back during the very last act of the year and it frickin sucked playing ranked. I peaked plat 2 a before i quit and when i came back it was hell just getting out if silver. There were throwers, afks and just unwinnable games like every other game. I barely managed to get gold 1 before the act ended.
But after the rank reset i noticed a big difference. Games feel a lot easier now and i feel like there are less often throwers. I’ve alr hit gold 3 and am olaying against people who were diamond last act and even peak ascedents and immortals. I’m not the best but at this rate ill easily make it back to plat and maybe even higher. It just seems to me that in silver to gold, climbing is insanely frustrating when it feels like a coin flip between thrower, afk, or enemy smurf. You either just have to be carry every game or you’re screwed.
But anyways. How has the rank reset been treating you guys?