I love 1v5's in competitive!


All four of my teammates ended up leaving the game at different times. A few DC'd, and Phoenix came back a couple of times, but for 10 rounds, I had to face the enemy team by myself.

I was actually really happy about the enemy team's reaction. They decided to only use knives, so I baited them with Phoenix, camped a few corners, and got Reyna ult every round, and aced twice with Odin.

Eventually, I lost 7-13 and didn't lose rank. I lost the last round to a clutch after I 4k'd. I ended up 32/15/2. I became friends with one of the enemy players and we talked for a bit about how that game was the worst ever. I actually had a lot of fun playing, and for the whole time, I was just laughing. I'm not upset at all at this game, just thankful for good sportsmanship from the other team.

P.S. This is for the high rank players who say AFKs are not a huge problem. Play 20 games in bronze and this happens.