Is it true people struggling w addiction got shipped to the island from east Hastings?

My partner and I live remote on an island and we’re thinking about moving to the big island and have for some time now. Recently he visited Nanaimo and quite liked the minimal amount he experienced. I have a longtime friend who grew up there tell me a rehab but more of a dumping ground for addicts is active in Nanaimo, Is this true? Is the drug scene/sellers more prominent and more dangerous?

My partner and I don’t participate in any partying/drugs/substance scene and haven’t for 3 years and won’t be going back. Obviously that scene is everywhere, and this person grew up in the area and had lost many friends to dirty drugs recently. There are clear biases here- so I’m here on Reddit to ask the strangers of Reddit about their experience/bias lol. Tell me the rumours tell me any facts. School me pls <3